an scolar

IOANID Fun Run, the school’s funniest race, Second edition

Taking into consideration the contestants’ enthusiasm during the first edition, this year we organised a second IOANID Fun Run, the funniest race for children and parents, giving them the chance to socialize and train together in an informal environment. IOANID Fun Run, second edition meant running races, gymnastics, fencing, dance routines for the mothers, football [...]

The beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

Here we are again, embracing a new beginning! It is a special one, indeed, as it marks IOANID’s 10th year of offering our students a successful pathway, beautiful memories and friendships to last a lifetime! We would like to express our appreciation to all of you who are part of this beautiful community, students, parents [...]

Inceputul anului scolar 2018-2019

Iata-ne din nou in fata unui nou inceput! Un inceput special, intrucat marcheaza al 10-lea an in care IOANID ofera elevilor sai un drum de succes, amintiri frumoase si relatii de prietenie pentru o viata! Dorim sa va multumim tuturor celor ce fac parte din aceasta comunitate frumoasa, elevi, parinti si colegi si speram ca, [...]

Rezultate exceptionale la Evaluarea Nationala pentru elevii IOANID

Elevii clasei a VIII-a ai Scolii Gimnaziale IOANID au obtinut rezultate exceptionale la Evaluarea Nationala de anul acesta. Dintre notele obtinute, mentionam cele 3 note de 10, urmate de apropiatele 9.90, 9.80, 9.70, ceea ce a condus la stabilirea mediei generale a scolii la 9.44. Felicitam cele opt eleve pentru munca depusa in acesti ani [...]