Taking into consideration the contestants’ enthusiasm during the first edition, this year we organised a second IOANID Fun Run, the funniest race for children and parents, giving them the chance to socialize and train together in an informal environment. IOANID Fun Run, second edition meant running races, gymnastics, fencing, dance routines for the mothers, football [...]
IOANID FunRun, cea mai amuzanta cursa a scolii, la a doua editie
Avand in vedere entuziasmul de care participantii au dat dovada in prima editie, anul acesta am organizat o a doua competitie IOANID FunRun, cea mai amuzanta cursa pentru copii si parinti, oferindu-le sansa de a socializa si de a se antrena impreuna intr-un mediul informal. IOANID FunRun, ediția a doua, a însemnat curse de atletism, [...]
Taking into consideration the contestants’ enthusiasm during the first edition, this year we organised a second IOANID Fun Run, the funniest race for children and parents, giving them the chance to socialize and train together in an informal environment. IOANID Fun Run, second edition meant running races, gymnastics, fencing, dance routines for the mothers, football [...]