Here are the results for HUMANITIES AT IOANID INFINITE CHANGE essay contest. The winners are invited for a short award ceremony you on Friday, December 9, 2022, 14:00-15:00 at Liceul International IOANID (Calea Victoriei 109, sector 1, Bucuresti ( H Victoriei building, vis-à-vis de FABIZ).OFFICIAL WINNERS:
- Daria Mihaela BURCIU, 11th grade, Colegiul National Bilingv “George Cosbuc” Bucuresti.
- Vlad Ioan ALEXANDRU, 11th grade, Colegiul National “Ion Creanga” Bucuresti.
- Daria- Ioana GRIGORE, 12th grade, Liceul Teoretic “Tudor Vladimirescu” Bucuresti.
- Ana TARARESCU, 9th grade, Colegiul National “Ion Neculce” Bucuresti.
- Amelia Mihaela GAVAN, 12th grade, Liceul Tehnologic “Dimitrie Gusti” Bucuresti.
- Anita Stefania CIURLA, 12th grade, Liceul Tehnologic “Dimitrie Gusti” Bucuresti.
- Ionela Florentina DENDEA, 12th grade, Liceul Tehnologic “Dimitrie Gusti” Bucuresti.
SPECIAL MENTION FOR BEING COURAGEOUS: Alexandra-Sofia HARAS, 7th grade, Liceul Teoretic Bilingv “Ita Wegman” Bucuresti.
All prize winners and mentioned participants will receive diplomas and books as a token of our appreciation.
All other participants will receive a “Certificate of participation” for registration and submission of their essay.
Thank you all for your work. Thank you all for your patience.
Congratulations to the winners! See you all next time.