

La sfârșitul lunii octombrie, în vacanța de toamnă, am organizat tabăra de Halloween, unde elevii s-au distrat, au avut parte de evenimente tematice și multe plimbări în natură. Valea cu Povești, un adevărat tărâm de basm organizat la complexul Club Vila Bran,  vizita la stână cu bulz copt la foc domol, parada de Halloween și […]

IOANID Halloween Party

On Friday, 26th October, Primary and Secondary School students dressed up in the scariest, funniest costumes, wearing the most creative outfits to join The Halloween Party. Dressed as The Joker, Bloody Bride, Dracula, Mad Hatter, the students took part in many competitions, such as: ‘The Photo Challenge’, ‘Wrap The Mummy’ and‘The Best Costume’vv. The teachers [...]

IOANID Halloween Party

On Friday, 26th October, Primary and Secondary School students dressed up in the scariest, funniest costumes, wearing the most creative outfits to join The Halloween Party Dressed as The Joker, Bloody Bride, Dracula, Mad Hatter, the students took part in many competitions, such as : ‘The Photo Challenge’, ‘Wrap The Mummy’ and ‘The Best Costume’. [...]