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The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

Laboratorul virtual din cadrul Liceului Internațional IOANID, un proiect al Fundației Globalworth

Educația digitală devine esențială în educația românească, iar progresele tehnologice duc la schimbări fundamentale ale modurilor în care copiii învață, propunând o abordare practică a curriculumului, urmărind să încurajeze implicarea elevului și facilitând aportul de informații. Cu sprijinul Fundației Globalworth, elevii Liceului Internațional IOANID se bucură, începând din acest an școlar, de un laborator de […]

IOANID Halloween Party

On Friday, 26th October, Primary and Secondary School students dressed up in the scariest, funniest costumes, wearing the most creative outfits to join The Halloween Party Dressed as The Joker, Bloody Bride, Dracula, Mad Hatter, the students took part in many competitions, such as : ‘The Photo Challenge’, ‘Wrap The Mummy’ and ‘The Best Costume’. [...]

Andra Gogan teaches IOANID’s students the benefits of recycling

On Wednesday, the 24th October, the vlogger, actress and singer  Andra Gogan came to IOANID School to show the children the benefits of recycling. The artist confessed that she likes to take advantage of her influence among youngsters, to support the positive campaigns for the planet. The students who knew the answers to her questions - [...]