Testimonials – High School

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Nine tenths of education is encouragement.

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Anatole France

Mirela, Sara’s mom

Back when I started looking for a secondary school in Bucharest, I had no precise criteria in mind. More or less consciously, I was looking for a school where academic performance would be backed up by models of healthy relationships that can be passed on to the children. I thought that I would certainly feel whether these models exist or not in the school environment, and whether or not the school is able to offer protection and to encourage this way of solving conflicts that could appear in any given group.

I have found this secure environment at IOANID Secondary School and I was delighted to see it at the IOANID International High School as well.

I am certain that the management and the staff have worked on achieving this positive environment and, alongside the high educational standards, the aim is to prepare the children for the real world, for their life after graduation.

Our experience with the teachers and the management team has been a very good one. The school’s representatives have always been cooperative, with no exception, while being open in any situation, be it a positive or negative one. There have never been insurmountable situations or conflicts. The manner in which the more difficult situations have been managed have brought about true “life lessons” for our daughter and for us, as parents.

Larisa, High School Student

IOANID International High School is very different from the other high schools in the way that teachers approach the subject matter they teach. They make us better understand what happens in class and also like to learn.  The new building welcomed us. It is very beautiful here and I enjoy coming to school. IOANID is the cleanest and collest high school!.

Alessia, High School Student

Not in a million years have I imagined getting here, at the IOANID International High School. I spent my first 8 school years in a state school and I was 100% sure I would keep going on the same path. At first, I had no idea what to expect from a private high school, but I knew it would be different from the others. I was both skeptical and indecisive when I was faced my choices and I was hoping I would make the right decision.

Today, I can say with no shade of a doubt that I am very happy with the high school vibe. The classes are very nice and interesting. The teachers’ approaches are different. They are calm and understanding, always in our middle. I was used to very large classes and with constant agitation, so I was very surprised to find all peace and quiet, although there are many students in our school.

Here, I like not only my teachers and fellow students, but also the building where I started my high school life. It has a particularly beautiful architecture and is very welcoming.

Ingrid, High School Student

I like IOANID International High School a lot! It is very different from the state school system. Firstly, both teachers and the non-teaching staff are very nice. For instance, if I have questions, I don’t hold back. I have the courage to ask and everything is explained to me patiently and gladly. I also enjoy all the classes, as the subject matter is taught in an agreeable way. Secondly, the schedule is good. I spend a lot of time at school, but I am never tired. I am so happy I come here, at IOANID. It is the best choice!(

Studiu individual
It all starts with a Date
Studiu individual
Echipa IOANID intelege faptul ca liceenii nu raspund pe masura asteptarilor noastre la pasivitatea care caracterizeaza in acest moment procesul de predare, motiv pentru care obiectivul nostru principal il reprezinta crearea unor experiente de invatare care sa atraga elevii. Predarea va fi una de tip interactiv, expunand participantii la experiente de invatare, ateliere practice. Misiunea noastra devine aceea de a stimula liceenii, echilibrandu-I si pregatindu-I ca viitori adulti intr-o institutie in care procesul static traditional devine dinamic si captivant.
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Viitor Aici sau Afara
It all starts with a Date
Institutia noastra elevilor sai posibilitatea de a-si continua studiile atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, avand sansa de a se inscrie la Universitati internationale. Echipa noastra de consilieri pregateste pentru liceeni planuri de actiune individuale, care sa ii ajute sa obtina locuri la facultati de top din strainatate, indrumandu-i catre pregatirea dosarelor de admitere si a sustinerii examenelor, in functie de domeniul ales.
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Programe de voluntariat
It all starts with a Date
Programe de voluntariat
si orientare profesionala
Consilierii scolari IOANID dezvolta la clase programe de voluntarat in diverse domenii, pe teme sociale (mentorat pentru elevi din centre partenere, suport oferit echipelor care ingrijesc animale etc) sau ateliere de consiliere si orientare profesionala in vedere identificarii abilitatilor si alegerea carierei corecte pe viitor. Activitatile noastre se desfasoara atat la sediile IOANID (unde invitam reprezentanti din domenii identificate de elevi ca reprezentand interes – medicina, avocatura, entertainment, blogging/vlogging etc) sau la partenerii nostri (Orange, Virgin Radio, Fundatia Chance for Life etc).
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