Vineri, 26 octombrie, elevii de la ciclul gimnazial și liceu s-au imbracat in cele mai scarry, funny, creative personaje și au participat la Halloween Party. Costumati in The Joker, Mireasa Insangerata, Dracula, Mad Hatter, elevii au participat la mai multe competitii: Photo Challenge, Wrap The Mummy si The Best Costume. Profesorii s-au intrecut si ei [...]
On Friday, 26th October, Primary and Secondary School students dressed up in the scariest, funniest costumes, wearing the most creative outfits to join The Halloween Party Dressed as The Joker, Bloody Bride, Dracula, Mad Hatter, the students took part in many competitions, such as : ‘The Photo Challenge’, ‘Wrap The Mummy’ and ‘The Best Costume’. [...]
Andra Gogan teaches IOANID’s students the benefits of recycling
On Wednesday, the 24th October, the vlogger, actress and singer Andra Gogan came to IOANID School to show the children the benefits of recycling. The artist confessed that she likes to take advantage of her influence among youngsters, to support the positive campaigns for the planet. The students who knew the answers to her questions - [...]
Vloggerita, actrita si cantareata Andra Gogan a venit miercuri, 24 octombrie, la IOANID pentru a ne vorbi despre reciclare si beneficiile ei. Artista ne-a marturisit ca ii place sa profite de influenta pe care o are in randul tinerilor pentru a sustine campanii cu efecte pozitive pentru planeta. Elevii care au stiut sa raspunda la intrebarile Andrei [...]
IOANID FunRun, cea mai amuzanta cursa a scolii, la a doua editie
Avand in vedere entuziasmul de care participantii au dat dovada in prima editie, anul acesta am organizat o a doua competitie IOANID FunRun, cea mai amuzanta cursa pentru copii si parinti, oferindu-le sansa de a socializa si de a se antrena impreuna intr-un mediul informal. IOANID FunRun, ediția a doua, a însemnat curse de atletism, [...]
Taking into consideration the contestants’ enthusiasm during the first edition, this year we organised a second IOANID Fun Run, the funniest race for children and parents, giving them the chance to socialize and train together in an informal environment. IOANID Fun Run, second edition meant running races, gymnastics, fencing, dance routines for the mothers, football [...]
Here we are again, embracing a new beginning! It is a special one, indeed, as it marks IOANID’s 10th year of offering our students a successful pathway, beautiful memories and friendships to last a lifetime! We would like to express our appreciation to all of you who are part of this beautiful community, students, parents [...]
Iata-ne din nou in fata unui nou inceput! Un inceput special, intrucat marcheaza al 10-lea an in care IOANID ofera elevilor sai un drum de succes, amintiri frumoase si relatii de prietenie pentru o viata! Dorim sa va multumim tuturor celor ce fac parte din aceasta comunitate frumoasa, elevi, parinti si colegi si speram ca, [...]