School Events


Education must not simply teach work - it must teach Life.

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Anatole France

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Toți am fost Moș Crăciun pentru copiii asociațiilor partenere

Ca în fiecare an, membrii comunității IOANID s-au transformat în Moș Crăciun pentru asociațiile unde deja a devenit o tradiție să livrăm cadouri în prag de sărbătoare, pentru al zecelea an consecutiv. Astfel, copiii de la Casa Bună, Mia’s Children și MagiCAMP s-au bucurat de cadourile pe care le-am împachetat cu grijă și conform dorințelor […]


La sfârșitul lunii octombrie, în vacanța de toamnă, am organizat tabăra de Halloween, unde elevii s-au distrat, au avut parte de evenimente tematice și multe plimbări în natură. Valea cu Povești, un adevărat tărâm de basm organizat la complexul Club Vila Bran,  vizita la stână cu bulz copt la foc domol, parada de Halloween și […]

La cules de mere

Bogățiile toamnei sunt admirate și degustate de elevii IOANID an de an. Aceștia își dedică timpul unei sarcini foarte importante din calendar și anume culesului de mere, o activitate care implică toate simțurile și care bucură orice privitor și pasionat de frumusețea naturii. În inima de verde, la Ferma Pedagogică, copiii s-au bucurat de cele […]

Scoala Altfel la Scoala IOANID

In fiecare an, la Scoala IOANID, exista saptamana dedicata activitatilor altfel. In aceasta perioada, elevii au parte de tabere pline de aventura, de momente incarcate de amintiri, de ateliere care le dezvolta imaginatia si vizite interactive la obiective turistice importante din tara si din Bucuresti. Anul acesta, copiii s-au bucurat de activitati speciale printre care […]
Additional training
It all starts with a Date
Additional training for
National Assessment exam
The students of the eighth grade have a personalized weekly schedule, specially designed by our teachers, which mainly includes intensive preparation for the exam's subjects. The activities in the Romanian language and Mathematics are carried out, in parallel, under the coordination of the class' teachers and the high school teachers, with experience in the elaboration of the evaluation tests. Also, students are offered more time for individual study and rest, thus ensuring their success in national exams.
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Excellence Preparatory Center
It all starts with a Date
Excellence Preparatory Center

IOANID teachers are writing a new story about success and results, within our new high-level intellectual modeling project - IOANID CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE. The activity of the centre will give our students the chance to prepare themselves at a higher level in the study disciplines where they excel: Romanian Language and / or Mathematics, along with the IOANID team of teachers according to a specially prepared schedule.
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Primary Years Programme
It all starts with a Date
Primary Years Programme
IOANID School and Kindergarten have been candidates for the Primary Years Programme ever since the 2014-2015 school year, considering that this educational program allows anyone graduating from IOANID to go on to study either in a Romanian or an international school of their choice.
This is an educational program provided by IB – International Baccalaureate, that has modern educational approaches and curriculum, which means that the IOANID staff (head of school, PYP Coordinator, Romanian and English teachers alike) all take part in training courses of at least a month, provided by the IB.
Class activities are designed according to the IB standards and philosophy. Our institution has an international consultant assigned by the IB who counsels our staff and who will organize evaluation visits at IOANID.
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