Evenimente Scoala

Conferință de Cyber Security organizată în parteneriat cu Kaspersky

Joi, 10 februarie, a avut loc prima conferință online organizată de specialiștii IOANID pe subiectul activității copiilor în mediul online, atât din punct de vedere a securității, cât și a modului în care aceasta îi poate afecta din punct de vedere psihic. Coordonatorii întâlnirii au fost Agnes Dragomir, consilier, Carmen Mănescu, profesor IT, iar invitatul […]

Spelling Bee, un concurs ,,cu lipici” la adolescenți

Autor: Cristina Șolcă, profesoară de limba engleză – Liceul Internațional IOANID Anul acesta suntem deja la a VI-a ediție a acestui concurs ,,cu lipici” la elevi în cadrul Liceului Internațional IOANID. Ce îl face deosebit printre atâtea concursuri? Ce îl face atât de popular? Poate că este vorba de o provocare inedită: elevii au ocazia să-şi […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

The Virtual Lab, a Globalworth Foundation project

Digital education is becoming increasingly prevalent in Romanian education, and technological advancements are leading to fundamental changes to the ways in which children are learning, proposing a practical approach to the curriculum, aiming to encourage student involvement while also making information intake easier. The idea of a virtual laboratory is to provide students a chance […]

“How we saved the world and other stories”, the first book released by IOANID

On Sunday, November 24, at the Gaudeamus Fair, we launched the book "How we saved the world and other stories", a collection of plays published by IOANID Gymnasium School, written by Professor Vlad Bălan together with our students. The stories started to be put on the sheet as early as 2017, and now we consider [...]

Children protect Romania! We planted together a new mini-forest

IOANID – Gradinita, Scoala & Liceu joined Healthy Family Association within the project “Children protect Romania – Small and ecological!”, to provide an early education, social responsibility and awareness for our students and their families about the need to revitalize green spaces. On Saturday, November 30, 2019, we joined forces to build something sustainable – […]